David Prouty High School

Spencer, MA | 2025 - 2026

David Prouty High School is a unique renovation/addition project that transforms a vulnerable 1967 existing building predicated on a dated “cells and bells” educational model into a thoroughly modern and resilient facility offering a remarkable mix of traditional and vocational instruction. One of the smallest public high schools in Massachusetts, DPHS serves 315 high school students from the towns of Spencer and East Brookfield.

After decades of declining enrollment, the District decided to transform the school’s educational plan to introduce a balance of vocational programs in early education, marketing, environmental studies and criminal justice with core academic classes and an array of distance education and dual enrollment opportunities. To meet this ambitious mix of learning opportunities while remaining conscious of long term operational costs, JWA proposed an addition-renovation that retains the school’s existing auditorium and cafeteria wing and adds new classrooms, vocational studios, a new gym and administration spaces in an arrangement centered on a safe, secure and functional learning courtyard.

The new school will be the first public school in Massachusetts constructed from insulated concrete formed walls. This approach results in highly durable, insulated concrete exterior walls that are structurally, acoustically and thermally superior to standard steel stud walls. The school will center on its two story media center/commons and its new green courtyard but will also open up to the south to engage with the famous David Prouty hill behind the school.

The project is in construction and expects to transition students to the new classroom wing in September 2025 with the entire project expected to be completed by Fall 2026.

Area: 126,823 sf
Type: K12 Education
Certification: NE-CHPS

educationDorrie Brooks