Brimfield Municipal Buildings


Brimfield, MA | 2020

Jones Whitsett Architects has been working with the Town of Brimfield since 2016 to advance a plan to upgrade four buildings and seven town programs: Fire, Police, Ambulance, Highway, Library, Town Offices, and the Senior Center.  Following on the heels of countless previous studies over the past 10 years, the building committee was anxious to arrive at a buildable solution for buildings that have continued to degrade over the years. 

The JWA led Design Team conducted interviews with all of the various departments, examined the existing conditions, evaluated code compliance, and came up with programming suggestions and schematic designs for all four buildings. In 2019 the Town achieved a positive town vote on the initial scope of work on the construction of Highway and Public Safety buildings. JWA led the design and construction administration, completing the project in June of 2020.

Area: 22,050 sf

Type: Municipal
